It's a real treat. On a hot summer day in Taipei more than seventy years ago, my father told us to try something rare at dinner. Well, there were no more dainties at dinner, then, because food rationing was in force one year after Japan started an undeclared war on China in 1937. I was treated to taimai denbu, which is a Japanese word for mashed and seasoned meat of the hawk-bill sea turtle. It's yummy, for we had little meat to eat in those days.
那真是美味。70多年前某一盛夏夜晚,父親要我們嚐點特別的東西。1937年對日抗戰開始,隔年台灣實行糧食配給,因此當時晚餐好料並不多。父親那時要我吃的是玳瑁田麩(taimai denbu),是一種海龜做成的肉鬆。那時代有肉吃就要偷笑,所以海龜肉鬆對我來說真是美食。
At the dinner table, my father told me – I was a third grader – those sea turtles were caught on are mote island, hundreds of miles southwest of Taiwan. He said it was one of the islands the Japanese took control in 1939. That’s the first time I heard of the Shinnan Gunto, or New South Islands, newly added to the jurisdiction of the prefecture of Takao, which is now known as Kaohsiung. One of the islands, from which the delicacy came, was Nagashima, called Taiping in Chinese after the Republic of China took over from the Japanese after the Second World War. The islands are the Spratlys, a new flashpoint in the South China Sea.
本文引用自: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/marticle/url/d/a/110603/70/2sofu.html?type=new木地板